
Hi, I’ve been reading some posts on the page that’s been set up for children with needs. I’m also a mum with a 10 year old that’s got ASD and learning difficulties. My son has been refused a school for 16 months and I’m fighting a losing battle with family services and sendiass along with SEND. My son has a EHCP which apparently doesn’t matter in the case. My son was attending a PRU school before taking it upon themselves to permanently kick him out without even notifying me of there plans, come March this year I was told he would be returning to only then be told that they won’t be taking him back on and it’s down to me to get him in a replacement school. So after continuous calls I still hasn’t got anywhere even after ringing family services for 8 weeks 15+ times a DAY they still didn’t pick up there phone. I contacted a family support worker that we had previously had and she had spoken with them and apparently my case had been taken to panel in October last year (I didn’t know) but still no outcome, again it’s been apparently taken to panel again 6 weeks ago and I’m still waiting for someone to contact me from family services even after still ringing them I’ve not heard nothing back. As far as I’m aware someone else that had spoken to family services on my behalf and they had said that they didn’t have a clue about the situation but the school are now saying different. No work packs have been sent out for my son and he’s only been offered 1 hour on a weekly session but he’s not to mix with other children and he’s to be isolated in one room. How do I go about appealing a case against them?m and other parties involved?!